Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Having a son growing up in a purse shop 19 month old son was in the store today and within 5 minutes, he was wearing a kid's monkey watch, put a breast cancer awareness hat on his head, and got his fingers into some lip gloss that proceeded to end up all over his face. I wonder at what point will it no longer be cool for him to do those things or at what point I will no longer want my son to wear a woman's hat and lip gloss all over his face? It will be safe to say the former will probably happen first as I'm comfortable with whatever route he goes in life. But for today, I found it a great joy to see him dancing in the middle of the store (Sting was playing on the radio), the breast cancer hat on sideways like a little rapper, and he couldn't have cared less who was watching. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all do that a little more?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

All Things Kate: What's your "go-to" color?

Hello blogging world! I am so excited to be making my first official blog post. As Scott said I will be writing about all of the fun things going on around Material Girl, fashion, new products and more!

So onto my first topic! As I was packing boxes last night (moving might be my least favorite thing) I came across my purse collection. Now, when people ask me "Wow, do you have a ton of purses?!", I tend to reply with "no not really" as my voice fades and I quickly change the subject. In my opinion, I don't. My sister would disagree:) As I was sorting through my small collection I realized that I seemed to have more yellow handbags than any other color. So I wondered, why is that?

Impulsive purchases might be one reason, but I have decided that yellow is my "go-to" color. Some people choose black, others choose brown, but mine is yellow! Yellow adds a pop of color to any outfit, no matter what shade it is. Lemon, sunshine, mustard....I'll take one in every shade please!

So what's your "go-to" color? Do you stick with the basic black or brown? Or do you opt for the bright colors or crazy patterns?Leave us a comment...we love hearing from our Material Girl's! If you're stuck in a color rut, don't be afraid to try something new!

P.S. Is there a specific topic you would like to hear more about? Send us an email at or leave a comment here!